Oh my effing god!!!.... Wait hold on, before I freak out, let me preface this post with the fact that I've been pounding dos equis like all G.D. day and skateboarding with my dog since noon.... and by dog I mean like an actual dog not a friend of mine that I refer to as a four legged creature.... Anywho, that being said I've been sifting through whatever music that the Internet wants to reveal to me at this very hilarious and inebriated moment and I've stumbled upon this. They're called "We don't surf" and they're a Spanish band that insists on blowing out all their tracks and fuzzing them up to great extremes but they're all acoustic. Anyways just shut up already and download this shit for free it's so great it makes me want to drink more dos equis and all I have is Coors light....... Whatever don't worry about me I'll be fine just press that play button dewd you'll see what I'm talkin about.
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