So, for the last couple days my hommies have been blowing me up with this new Gambino shit. First off, Don Glover (Dong-lover haha) is not only on the show Community, which is pretty hilarious, but he also spits straight heat under the name Childish Gambino. It's funny cause once that Radiohead video came out where Thom Yourke was dancing all around an abandon warehouse I fuckin hated it but for some reason when the great Gambino does it I think it's great.... huh, go figure.
PS. My favorite line is, "e.e. cumming on her face, now it's poetry in motion" that shiz is way too clever.
also this line "While yall niggas masturbate, I'm in that Ariel Pink"... way to straight up reference one of last years top albums as a vagina, kind of the most hilarious shit ever!
New EP has been on the steady ro-to! My fave="An elephant never forgets, so my dick remembers everything." You should check out his show at Belly Up next month. 1/2 stand-up, 1/2 rapper's delight. Saw him in LA last year...shit was amazeballs.