It takes about three minutes before you really start to comprehend just what's going on in here. There is no doubt in my mind that Dustin Wong is the most creative living guitar player of our time. Looping together so many mathy time signatures and spreading out such orchestral lingering build ups. It's amazing what one guy can do with a guitar and a fucking shit load of pedals. Enjoy
Yours Truly Presents: Dustin Wong from Yours Truly on Vimeo.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Spazzkid - "Right Now"
Where the hell has this album been all my life. I just discovered Spazzkid and I gotta say, I'm a pretty big fan. This shit has got my feet all over my dirty laundry right now. Peep the album here, it's a name your own price type deal, so throw hommie a couple beans cause this shit is pretty rad. Peep game below to catch the next train to jig-town.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Diplo - "Got stoned and mixed really old records for half an hour"
My hommie Wobbles just dropped this mix into the ether. I was minding my own, when this lil gem fell into my feed. Diplo never ceases to amaze me with his encyclopedic mind for music. There are so many psychedelic gems on this mix. I personally can't wait to hi-jack the drums from "For some we loved" by Dorothy Ashby, for my own jams (They appear just after the 13 min. marker guaranteed to be on a BRUIN track at some point in the near future). OK get bonged up and enjoy the tunes dewds. PS checkout how fucking hi-larious the art work he chose for this mix is.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Danny Brown "Grown up" (Video), + a Hood-Internet Dirty Projectors Mash-up
This new Danny Brown video is my favorite thing on the Internet right now. Check out this little son-of-a-bitch terrorize every aspect of his life. It's pretty comedy, and this little shit looks exactly like Danny Brown. Not to mention this song is the fucking business. Also just for fun there's a mash up of this jam along side the Dirty Projectors, Peep Game.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
The Babies "Get Lost" + "Moonlight Mile"
I'm kind of holding my breath for the 13th of November. Once the Babies release their next album all heaven will break loose. I'm so in love with these kids and you should be too. Not to mention they're one of the best shows I've ever seen at the Soda Bar. Listen to this new track. I'm pretty excited about the whole thing... You'll see, this time 3 months from now their new album is totally gonna be all anyone is talking about... I mean shit did you hear the last one??!!?!?!....... Enjoy..... PS just for fun there's some more new shit below (named after my favorite rolling stones song, but definitely not a cover.)
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
MØ: “Pilgrim” (Mp3)
If you're looking to get an incredibly amazing sample heavy track, filled with the perfect ratio of horn samples to ridiculously sexy vocals, stuck in your head, then that little play button down there has got your name all over it. I have no idea who these kids are but you can bet we'll be working on a BRUIN remix for this track cause its pretty next level.
MØ: Pilgrim (mp3 link)
Monday, October 8, 2012
New "Godspeed You! Black Emporer" Album!!!! First album in 10 years!! streaming here so fucking listen to it cause it fucking rules the whole god damn world!!!
Holy mother fucking shit!!! Godspeed put out a new album. It's been ten fucking years, I can't even believe that this is happening. Listen to this shit if you want your mind to explode all over the inside of your skull. This shit is so god damn savage. OK I'm done freaking out.... you can listen now... click here and to go to the guardian and enjoy the album!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
The Weeknd "Rolling Stone" (Video)
Last night thuggish R&B heart-stomper, The Weeknd, released a video for the track "Rolling Stone". With such painfully angelic vocals home-boy can make any lady soaking wet in the panties area no matter what the subject matter. Even if he is talking about smokin' weed and keeping a "bitch" around just to feel more relevant in his own skin. The simple guitar plucks thrown under the overly distorted vocal patterns creates an almost alarming overtone that helps keep this song from getting stuck under the blanket that is R&B and allows it to stretch into something much more important. It's a thought provoking trance-induced 3 minutes and 50 seconds to say the very least.
Flying Lotus "Until the Quiet Comes" (video/short film) + Flying Lotus mini documentary (Fly First)
Flying Lotus is constantly changing the game with what seems to be an effortless task which flows out of his brain and straight into his followers ear-buds. His beats challenge not only the standard elements of hip-hop but the entire music production industry on a whole. Peep this video, the layers and multiple story lines that go along to this ridiculously complex beat hit almost as hard as Lotus's syncopated drum tracks.... And a mother fucker better believe that I'm gonna get my hands on that "J Dilla saved my life" tee. R.I.P.
PS the New album just dropped out so pick that shit up if you know what's good for you.
watch this mini pitchforck documentary on Lotus. Hommie's amazing
PS the New album just dropped out so pick that shit up if you know what's good for you.
watch this mini pitchforck documentary on Lotus. Hommie's amazing
Thursday, August 30, 2012
The Gaslamp Killer "Seven Years of bad luck for fun" (feat. Dimlit)
San Diego producer "The Gaslamp Killer" finally slipped a little sneak peak from his new EP that's scheduled to drop any day now. This track is all over the place. It's no surprise that homeboy looks to Flying Lotus as some sort of sensei. With subtle dubstep drops in between jazzy outlets this jam only makes me more on the edge of my seat to see what kind of ruckus that this kids EP is gonna bring.
The Gaslamp Killer Seven years of bad luck for fun
The Gaslamp Killer Seven years of bad luck for fun
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Nakne "Strings"
Nakne, is the solo project from one of my favorite bloggers over at I don't like your tunes. This track "Strings" buries itself into your head. with it's very melodic tones that bleed into a heavy dream like state. I have a feeling that this track will be making it's way into my DJ sets for the next couple weeks. download the track for free here off the split EP he did with Khotin.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Major Lazer "Get Free" (video) Amazing!!!!!
This is for sure my favorite song of the summer. It's been ringing in the back of my mind ever since the first time I heard it, and to be honest the song seems so primal that I feel like some form of it has always been there. I've been waiting for a video and a few days ago this came out. It's amazing, it's a huge kick in the face that reminds me how awesome it is to be somewhere else that isn't your home. Amber Coffman (Dirty Projectors) is in it for a second and her beautiful angelic voice hovers in and out of the entire track. Oh yeah and Diplo is in there too bangin' them beats. Anyways peep the goods below and then book a ticket as far away from home as possible, that's what I plan on doing.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Washed Out "A dedication" -Video-
This is definitely one of my favorite Washed Out songs. With it's nostalgic melancholy tonal structure and layers of warm sadness. I never thought that they would make a video for this, but to be honest after watching it I can't believe it didn't come out sooner. It's shot beautifully and makes me want to stumble upon an abandoned cabin with a beautiful girl. It also makes me home sick, which is nice.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Best Friends "Wasting Time"
God damn it, right when I thought I was gonna be able to spend my day listening to more than one song.... Well, I guess that was just a pipe dream, cause there is no way this song isn't gonna be on repeat for at least the next 3 hours while I flail around my house like a unicorn stuck in a cotton candy tree. Click play below and freak the fuck out!!!
Friday, June 1, 2012
Surf Club "More than a friend"
Holy crap, my favorite band from Stockton California (I know that's a very short list of one but seriously they rule) came out with an album back in February and no one told me!!!! Go grab it and dance all over your stupid apartment like a complete asshole like I'm doing right now. Woo-Hoo!! PS. "More than a friend" is my new theme song. Also how absolutely noodles is it that a band from Stockton would call them selves Surf Club? So awesome!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Childish Gambino Feat. Beck "Silk Pillow"
It seems like everyday Childish leaks a new jam from his upcoming mixtape. I didn't see this track coming at all. It starts with Beck doing a spoken word of sorts then Gambino pops in to drop a few wit marinated bars,"sippin' on some whiskey, these bitches drinkin' kombucha?", nuff said. The beat itself is pretty mellow tempo-ed, but it hits harder than a freight train, even with it's flute section. Peep the business below, it's pretty rad.
Childish Gambino Silk Pillow
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
ILLLS "Teeth"
I just stumbled on this dope ass ILLLS jam. It's somewhere in between an Animal Collective track (prolly something off of strawberry jam) and a Young Buffalo song (like a slower version of their track Catapilah). That being said this song is the fucking business! Peep the goods below.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Phédre "Aphrodie" (Video)
I'm pretty obsessed with this jam. It's fuckin epic. The Video is creepy and cool too, but this tune fucking owns. click play and dance yourself clean.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Odd Future "Oldie" (Video)
Friday, May 25, 2012
Giovanni James "Shining"
It's been unbelievably long since I've had anything that even resembles sex. I'm thinking about donating my dick to science. I don't know what they'd do with it but they'd probably get more use out of it than I would.... Anyways that being said if I do happen to stumble into some form of sexual activity in the near future, I'm saving this song for the morning after. I'm gonna play it on repeat and skip around town like a gay unicorn on rollerblades that just found out his new college dorm mate is a fucking carebear..... Just hit play you'll know what I'm talking about
Thursday, May 24, 2012
James Murphy "ten songs that saved your life" (a 15 song playlist)
There's no doubt that when I grow up, even older than I am now that is, that I want to be James Murphy. I hope to be in the best dance band of all time, play a sold out show in Madison Square Garden and then quit at my peak only to go on to live a life of GQ interviews and endless kick-ass DJ gigs with the occasional Podcast interview, where I could make even the biggest music nerds feel like blockheads due to my out of this world obsession for music knowledge. Murphy is a wizard in world of court jesters. Below is a 15 song playlist that James made for a website called 10 songs that saved your life. It's my favorite thing right now. Enjoy.
01. JONATHAN RICHMAN i’m straight
02. SUICIDE cheree
03. THE FALL paintwork
04. THE RAPTURE house of jealous lovers
05. CAN i’m so green
06. LEONARD COHEN famous blue raincoat
07. DAVID BOWIE fame
08. A FLOCK OF SEAGULLS space age love song
10. NYCC CHOIR stand on the word
11. LOOSE JOINTS is it all over my face
12. BIRTHDAY PARTY nick the stripper
13. THE BEATLES tomorrow never knows
14. KRAFTWERK computer world
15. ROBERTA FLACK the first time ever i saw your face
01. JONATHAN RICHMAN i’m straight
02. SUICIDE cheree
03. THE FALL paintwork
04. THE RAPTURE house of jealous lovers
05. CAN i’m so green
06. LEONARD COHEN famous blue raincoat
07. DAVID BOWIE fame
08. A FLOCK OF SEAGULLS space age love song
10. NYCC CHOIR stand on the word
11. LOOSE JOINTS is it all over my face
12. BIRTHDAY PARTY nick the stripper
13. THE BEATLES tomorrow never knows
14. KRAFTWERK computer world
15. ROBERTA FLACK the first time ever i saw your face
Beat Connection "The Palace Garden, 4am"
I've been having, quite literally speaking, the most out of this world dreams. The night after the solar eclipse we had last week I dreamt that I woke up on the moon. The sun was behind me casting my shadow onto a huge portion of the earth. After this I ran around and floated all over the place. I wish that this song was released like four days earlier cause I'm pretty sure that it would have made the perfect soundtrack for that lucid experience.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Teen Daze "Treten" (Video)
I feel like there's a certain sadness that comes along with the dance scene, and I mean this in a very real, almost complimentary way. There's something to be said for repetitive beats that can force you to feel way too much or nothing at all. I've been diving into this teen daze stuff a little harder recently and this track in particular sends out a longing wishful vibe. It makes me want to roll around under the covers with the prettiest girl I've ever met and not leave the house for two days...
Silver Firs "Away We Go"
It's been so many months since I've posted anything. Well guess who finally stopped living in a fucking cave and acquired the god damn google machine?... This ass hole, right here. I'm really excited to drop this jam on you kids right now. It starts out with a twangy little ditty then, slowly, echoing drums start to fade in followed by cooing layered vocals that almost give off a trance type emotion. Until you're pretty much immersed in this awesome jam that makes me either want to sail through a horrific storm only to find a beautiful untouched island, or take mushrooms in my living room and pretend that that whole island thing is happening....
Silver Firs Away We Go
Silver Firs Away We Go
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Youth Lagoon "July" (Video)

I definitely think that there is a method to Youth Lagoon's madness. Every song starts off sweet and melancholic, drawing the listener in and kind of taking them into a trance state. Till next thing you know you're waist deep in a whirl-wind of emotions. The music getting fuller and fuller and the vocals getting thicker and thicker until finally there's no room for anything else. Not many musicians have made the conscious effort to take this route into their audiences heads and to be honest, I think it's amazing. This video is a pretty good accompaniment of the chaotic doldrums that this track will send you on... Enjoy.
Youth Lagoon - July from Tyler T Williams on Vimeo.
Grimes "Genesis"

It's no new news that I'm obsessed with female vocals. I can't put my finger on exactly what it is but there's definitely a nurturing aspect that comes along with the female voice. That being said I feel that it's few and far between when I come upon a new female artist that hits par in my mind for what is that perfect combination of adorable and serious business. Grimes is my new favorite thing. Peep her new track below and don't forget that she'll be at soda bar this February the 25th
Grimes Genisis
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