So MJMJ just released their free mix-tape the other day and on it is Messy Sparkles. A good vibed mess of neon tribal sounds. This song is nothing to fuck with but definitely something to get fucked up too. Give it a spin then Download MJMJ's mix from here
OK kiddies, this is it, time to rage cage like Elen Page.... Actually we'll prolly party a lil harder than that chick. Anywho' get your booty-holes over to the Bluefoot for a pre-party with Joe-mama on the one's and two's. Then catch the bus down to Analog to watch Boat Ghost and The Burning of Rome shred your faces off whilst DJ Tomas K. Bohan spins out the good vibes between sets, and who knows maybe there'll be a surprise performance. I mean shit anything could happen. Then catch the bus back up the hill. K I'll see you kids tonight! And here's a little teaser of Burning for ya..... Oh yeah and dibbs on the keyboard player she's hawt stuff.
OK I know that this is two posts in a row for these kids but honestly if you don't dig this shit you should prolly go to the doctor and get your head checked cause you're just not listening right. I wish that every song I made came out like this. There's so much tension doubled in with buttery smooth melody. Not to mention the vocals that slide all around those flute hits rock my fucking world. Seriously Gardens and Villa whatever you guys are doing it's totally working!
I'm a little late to the game when it comes to Gardens & Villas. After watching this video and the live one below it, I'm definitely kicking myself for missing their performance at Soda Bar. This video is for sure gonna make my top 10 list for videos of the year. The over acting and mashed up with the black and white theme is more than entertaining and not to mention that little kid is a badass! Also peep the live performance, I want hommie with the flute backpack to be my best friend.