OK, so it's no big secret that I have like the raggingest music boner for these kids. They shred, they're young, and they seriously don't give a fuck. So when my friend Sara sent me the new Tommy Hilfiger ad that features their way too catchy, way too awesome song, "Weekend" I had mixed feelings. Let's face it, to say that a band sells out anymore is just way too 90's of a statement. If some shit-head, butt-fucking corporation wants to give a few kids way too much "life experience" money, then they'd either have to be; fucking retarded or from the planet 1993 to not take it. But, god fucking dammit, why oh why did it have to be Tommy Hilfiger? I mean shit, they're the poster child for billionaire red-neck scum, everything they've ever represented is the exact opposite of fashion. It's like if Jeff Foxworthy decided that he really felt like he had a knack for throwing champagne brunches at the Beverly. I'm not saying I wouldn't go but the idea is just a little too absurd to even fathom. Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming Smith Westerns, I'm just saying it could have been any other company outside of Wallmart and I would have been a thousand times happier about it. But whatever, fuck it, at least these kids will have 3 years worth of drug money to get through their early 20's. Good job boys!!!
Smith Western Weekend
レイバン サングラスにラフなYシャツ、どこの芸能人かと思いきや、幼なじみのカズくんだった。サングラスのお陰で、10倍カッコよく見えたカズくんが、Ray Banは神だとつぶやいた。そんなカズくんに、レイバン ウェイファーラーを薦められて、早速挑戦したくなった。