I always like to think that I've, "out grown" the sad bastard songs. I amuse myself with the thought of moving past the stages of reveling in the depths of self pity, and to be fair to the current, "not so sixteen" version of myself, the appreciation for such self loathing content has become less and less relate-able... This is not to say that I don't appreciate the truth that lies within heartache and loss, in fact, it's quite the opposite. I am much more selective in my jaded and, "over it" perspective. The outcome is that when one of these, downer jams, slips through the filters, it hits harder than ever, and let me tell you, this song aches with the realness. To be honest, this album on a whole, (which isn't supposed to drop for a few weeks and can be downloaded by clicking here... oops never mind it got taken down) is full of undeniable truths, and at the very least, chuck full of super-conscious musings... OK, enough babel, just listen and don't forget. "It's so hard to feel so all alone and so far, so far away from home, and you Myma..."